J74 Morph - morph tracks, presets, devices and mixer parameters in Ableton Live

J74 Morph is a set of Ableton Live / Max for Live devices for preset and mixer settings interpolation (morphing).
The Morph device family provide tools for creating track snapshots, performing real/time settings interpolation among snapshots, making device presets and morphing among them, use of multiple sends as a single multi-effect, modulation of any parameter pair in a XY spring panel, free editable envelope modulation, 2-dimensional LFO and XY control through gamepads or joysticks. As long as device parameters can be automated in Ableton Live, they can be interpolated by Morph devices (with rack interpolation limited to macro levels).
Important: J74 Morph is an Ableton Live, Max for Live device set. You must have a Max for Live licence to run it (as in Ableton Live Suite) and it will run properly only in Live 10 or higher (older versions of Live are not supported).
Important: J74 Morph is an Ableton Live, Max for Live device set. You must have a Max for Live licence to run it (as in Ableton Live Suite) and it will run properly only in Live 10 or higher (older versions of Live are not supported).
Get J74 Morph
The Morph device family can be purchased for 10 EURO using the buy button below. Once your order will be completed you will get a download link from the Paypal confirmation page. An email with a link to the download will be also sent to you separately, within 24 hours from the purchase.
Feature Overview of J74 Morph
- TrackMorph: collect a snapshot of all track settings (devices and mixer) and morph across them, in real time. Nice mixing and performance aid
- PresetMorph: collect, export and import device presets and morph across four of them, in real time. Ideal as synthesis aid and for complex EQ sweeps
- SendMorph: control up to four Sends simultaneously, making possible the use of the Returns as a multi-effect and/or multi-speaker output system
- ParamMorph: X/Y panel and spring for modulation of any two parameters in the Liveset. Can be used with LFOMorph and JoyMorph for modulation
- LFOMorph: a two-dimensional, geometric LFO which can be combined with other Morph devices. This isn't quite what you have already seen around...
- EnvMorph: Freehand Envelope/LFO generator for parameter modulation, with fully customizable envelope curves and advanced performance controls
- JoyMorph: Control any Morph device using alternative USB control devices such as Gamepads, Joysticks, Gloves, etc. (*)
- LoopMorph: Record and Automate morph performances. Can be used as simple Session View automation tool
- For information on how to integrate the software with your setup go to: J74 Morph Setup and FAQ page.

- Morph devices can look at racks at macro level, not inside. Anything within the rack will not be visible to Morph devices.
- If you wish to use USB/HID equipment please check compatibility before purchasing, using the free MorphJ device.
Requirements, Specifications and Documentation
Platform Requisites:
Morph is an Ableton Live Max for Live device for Live 10 and higher.
You must have a Max for Live licence to run it and it will run properly only in Live 10 or higher (older versions of Live are not supported).
Supported Versions:
- Ableton Live 10, 11 and 12 (with embedded Max), Suite or Standard (with Max for Live license)
- Windows versions supported: 10 and higher
- Mac OS versions supported: 10.13 and higher
- If you like to use a Joystick or other USB/HID controller, be sure to test such controller, before purchasing, using the free MorphJ device (**).
- PresetMorph and TrackMorph support racks only at the macro level.
- Max 128 parameters per VST can be automated in Ableton Live. This limits Morph devices interpolation to up to 128 parameters.
- Some VSTs use internal files (like samples). These are not parameters and cannot be automated in Live and consequently are not visible to Morph devices
- If you work with racks be aware that Morph devices can only look at racks at the Macro level, not inside.
(**) Notes for Windows users:
Under Microsoft Windows certain devices (mostly pointers, mouses, keyboards, keypads) will not show up in JoyMorph. This restriction is set by the Microsoft operative system. The official statement of Microsoft on the matter is available here. The following equipment should instead work properly in JoyMorph: Joysticks, Gamepads, System Controllers. This limitation does not apply to the Mac OS environment.
Suggestion: before purchasing, be sure to verify your USB equipment works properly using the free MorphJ device (free download on this site).
For information on how to integrate the software with your setup go to: J74 Morph Setup and FAQ page.

Videos and Tutorials
One of the devices in the J74 Morph family, MorphJ is a freeware plugin and can be downloaded here. This plugin allows you to control simultaneoulsy any pair of parameters, in any Ableton Live device, anywhere in the Liveset. At its heart is the XY panel with its XY handle, typical to all devices in the Morph family. The handle can be controlled using commonly available USB devices supporting the HID (Human Interface Device) protocol. This includes Gamepads, Joysticks, Pen Tablets, 3D Gloves, Wiimotes, and so on. Multiple instances of MorphJ can be used at the same time (with the same of with different USB HID devices to control them), allowing you to create complex morphing setups.
Well, just try by yourself......