J74 Venus6 - Poly-Multi Synthesizer for Ableton Live
J74 Venus6 is a six voice Poly-Multi Synthesizer for Ableton Live (Max for Live). It can be used as a six voice polyphonic synthesizer (one timbre, six voices), as six independent monophonic synthesizers or as a six voice stacked monophonic synthesizer. The way voices, sequencer lines and clock are used is configurable and semi-modular. The internal sequencer of Venus6 (and of its MIDI companion VenusSEQ, also part of the package) is capable of poly-rhythmic and poly-metric sequencing due to the internal modular clock routing and clock division system.
J74 Venus6 has been built echoing the behaviour of DCO synthesizer's of the 80's: its six (virtual) voice boards have been created with slight tolerance differences (subtle, but still present in DCO systems of the time) and coupled with a voice allocation system which enhances this dynamics. The synthesizer has an internal chorus, which also echoes the chorus implementations of the same era. The same chorus is also provided as a separate audio effect, as part of the same package. Venus6 comes with 250+ presets, which range from pads to arpeggio, from bass-sequences to leads.
Important: J74 Venus6 is an Ableton Live, Max for Live device set. You must have a Max for Live licence to run it (as in Ableton Live Suite) and it will run properly only in Live 10 or higher (older versions of Live are not supported).
Get J74 Venus6
The J74 Venus6 package can be purchased for 18 EURO using the buy button below. Once your order will be completed you will get a download link from the Paypal confirmation page. An email with a link to the download will be also sent to you separately, within 24 hours from the purchase.
Feature Overview of J74 Venus6
- Six voices, each voice with SAW, PWM, Noise, Sine and two sub-oscillators.
- Sub-harmonic tuning and sequencing of the Sub-oscillators.
- Per voice ladder filter and VCA, with dedicated envelopes.
- Per voice sequencer for pitch, velocity and filter modulation (cutoff and resonance).
- Sequencer available also as a separate MIDI device (VenusSEQ) as part of the same pack.
- External parameter modulation for the separate MIDI sequencer device (VenusSEQ).
- Modular clock system for free poly-rhythmic and poly-metric sequencing and arpeggio's.
- Flexible voice modes: POLY, MONO, SEQ, ARP, CHORD, MONO-6.
- Six Independent LFO's for Cutoff, Panning and Tremolo.
- Global HighPass Filter and Chorus (four types of chorus).
- Chorus available also as a separate audio effect (VenusChorus), included in the pack.
- Additional global Glide, LFO Trig, Drift amount, Drone and Root/Scale filtering (sequencer)
- Preset system: save and recall presets with 250+ presets included.
- Editing functions: synth randomize, sequence randomize and shuffle.
Here a Quick Overview of J74 Venus6.

Here a Quick Overview of J74 VenusSEQ.

For more information about the J74 Venus6 pack have a look to the detailed J74 Venus6 User Manual.

The filter used for the voices in Venus6 is the (sweet) [sm.ladder~] filter, created by Pete Dowling & Matt Jackson of Surreal Machines as part of their smFilterPack for Max. This filter has been used under their explicit permission (and much courtesy).
Requirements and Specifications
Platform Requisites
J74 Venus6 is an Ableton Live, Max for Live device set. You must have a Max for Live licence to run it and it will run properly only in Live 10 or higher (older versions of Live are not supported).
Supported Versions:
- Ableton Live 10, 11 and 12 (with embedded Max), Suite or Standard (with Max for Live license)
- Windows versions supported: 10 and higher
- Mac OS versions supported: 10.13 and higher