J74 BassLine - Editor and Sequencer for BassLine Progressions in Ableton Live
J74 BassLine is a plug-in for Ableton Live (Max for Live) specialized in bass line progressions. The key idea behind this device is to have a single, flexible tool for bass line programming which combines both rhythm and harmony together. In terms of rhythm J74 BassLine makes use of groove, swing, legato, glide, accent and humanize dynamics. From the harmony point of view the tool works having knowledge of scales, chords and progressions, combining these with the rhythmic pattern creation. The bass-lines get automatically adapted to the progression, on a chord by chord basis, remaining in-key to the selected scale (if you wish it to). This works at its best when J74 BassLine is combined with J74 Progressive (another J74 tool set), in Linked Mode. By combining the two tools you have a single, integrated environment for quickly sketching harmonic and rhythmic material in Ableton Live.
Note: if you are looking for a bundle, check the J74 MaxForLive Harmony Bundle page.
Important: J74 BassLine is an Ableton Live, Max for Live device set. You must have a Max for Live licence to run it (as in Ableton Live Suite) and it will run properly only in Live 10 or higher (older versions of Live are not supported).
Get J74 BassLine
The J74 BassLine package can be purchased for 12 EURO using the buy button below. Once your order will be completed you will get a download link from the Paypal confirmation page. An email with a link to the download will be also sent to you separately, within 24 hours from the purchase.
Feature Overview of J74 BassLine
- Automatic pitch adaptation to chords/degrees in the progression (InKey and Chromatic modes)
- Possibility of inserting leading notes (pitch based on next chord)
- Groove and Swing manipulation to timing (with useful settings for triplets)
- Possibility of skipping notes or moving pitch based on probability
- Legato and Glide effect to note duration
- Dynamics by adding probability based fluctuation to velocity and timing
- Manipulation of notes with functions like pitch rotation, reverse, invert, mix-up, randomize
- Selectable scale (40+ available), in any key and any octave
- Progressions editing page for sequencing bass lines
- Automatic synchronization to J74 Progressive (J74 BassLine bass-lines following the progression of J74 Progressive)
- In editor mode results are delivered as standard MIDI clips in your Ableton Live tracks
- In real-time sequencing mode(s) can follow live chords from another track in Ableton Live.
Requirements, Specifications and Documentation
Platform Requisites
BassLine is an Ableton Live Max for Live device for Live 10 and higher.
You must have a Max for Live licence to run it and it will run properly only in Live 10 or higher (older versions of Live are not supported).
Supported Versions:
- Ableton Live 10, 11 and 12 (with embedded Max), Suite or Standard (with Max for Live license)
- Windows versions supported: 10 and higher
- Mac OS versions supported: 10.13 and higher
Here a Quick Overview of J74 BassLine functionality.

For more information about the toolset have a look to the detailed User Manual.