J74 FreeCode Pack - A free pack of MIDI and Audio tools for Ableton Live
The J74 FreeCode pack is a set of MIDI and Audio devices with new and selected functions from the J74 repertoire. Among the tools it includes the ChordExplorerLight, a MIDI chord generator which can be controlled and sequenced by MIDI input, the PhaseVoCoder, an eight voice phase vocoder with built in filter, LFO/spread and Drive and the Eighty-Four-Chorus a stereo chorus effect inspired by the ones used on 80s synthesizers.
Get the J74 FreeCode pack
The J74 FreeCode pack is available as free download. You can download the software by clicking here.

More interesting software available at: http://www.fabriziopoce.com/download.html
PS: if you like to sustain the J74 free packs & projects, please make a donation using the Paypal button available below.
Overview of the J74 FreeCode pack
# J74 ChordExplorerLight [MIDI]
- Chord-set harmonically constructed from a selected scale
- 35 Chords (diatonic to the scale)
- MIDI mappable
- MIDI sequenceable
- Derived from the J74 Progressive/J74 Bassline toolsets
- New functions: Hold mode
# J74-PhaseVoCoder [Instrument/AudioFX]
- Eight voice Phase Vocoder with built in filter, LFO/spread and Drive
- Derived from the J74 PitchControl toolset
- New functions: Envelope, LFO and Drive
# J74 Eighty-Four-Chorus [AudioFX]
- Stereo Chorus effect inspired by 80s synths
- Derived from the J74 Venus6 toolset
- New functions: Rate, Depth and Dry/Wet
Tested versions:
- Ableton Live 10, 11 and 12 (with embedded Max), Suite or Standard (with Max for Live license)
- Windows versions supported: 10 and higher
- Mac OS versions supported: 10.14 and higher
If you want to know more, have a look at the J74 FreeCode quick guide here.